Ross and I have a lovely condo and I'm really enjoying getting it all put together. We are pretty happy, and so is Dee. We have a guest room so please feel free to come visit!
I also had my 28th birthday when I was in Cali. I have a hard time believing I'm that old, but I will just look at it as another good year to come. Thing 1 and Thing 2 were there to help me celebrate which was sweet too.
Classes start on Tuesday which has me a bit stressed out, as you can imagine. The new condo is about an hour from school and work which seems far but the rent is so much better and the area so beautiful. Hopefully I will be able to share a few photos of the interior of the condo soon, once I have it all decked out.
Oh yeah, and on Monday I dropped a kitchen knife into my foot while working on Martha's Vineyard. Two stitches later and I'm still pretty sore and bruised.
Other than all of that excitement I'm just enjoying lots of time with my love and the German Shepherd. I hope I am better about blogging but am not making any promises. Thanks for hanging in there.