Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Unborn Wine - Veraison Nearly Complete

Veraison is the process that the grapes go through as they change color.  You can learn a little more about it here
I have been asked if all of the grapes for my "Unborn Wine" series are from the same place.  Yes.  the grapes throughout the series are all from the same row of a vineyard in St. Helena, California.  I am not sure which variety they are.  I suppose I could look up the leaf shape but I don't have that kind of time.  
Harvest for the champagne grapes will be coming soon and then the other grapes are right behind them.  I can tell you that the grapes are now sweet and the Brix are rising to their optimal spot because I taste one during each shoot.  Only one.  They went from very sour to wonderfully delicious over the summer.  I will continue to keep up the photography right to the end. 

1 comments to blog for:

Debra Johnson said...

Hey there! Happy birthday!