Friday, April 16, 2010

Al And Julio, What The Hell?

For some reason I have really been into Paul Simon's music lately. I downloaded a bunch of his songs onto my iPod and have really been enjoying them. Nobody can match his rhythm and songwriting capabilities. However, I have noticed that some of his songs make absolutely no sense at all. Sometimes I look up the songs and try to see if anyone can find their meaning, but I stopped doing that after I spent way too long looking up the meaning of American Pie by Don McLean on Wikipedia. Anyway, here are the lyrics to two of my favorite Paul Simon songs. Any ideas?

Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

The mama pajama rolled out of bed
And she ran to the police station
When the papa found out he began to shout
And he started the investigation

It's against the law
It was against the law
What the mama saw
It was against the law

The mama looked down and spit on the ground
Every time my name gets mentioned
The papa said oy if I get that boy
I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention

(Chorus) Well I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I don't know where
Goodbye to Rosie the Queen of Corona
Seeing me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard

In a couple of days
They come and take me away
But the press let the story leak
And when the radical priest come to get me released
We was all on the cover of Newsweek


You Can Call Me Al

A man walks down the street
He says why am I soft in the middle now
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away my well lit door
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me you can call me Al

A man walks down the street
He says why am I short of attention
Got a short little span of attention
And wo my nights are so long
Where's my wife and family
What if I die here
Who will be my role model
Now that my role model is
Gone Gone
He ducked back down the alley
With some roly poly little bat faced girl
All along along
There were incidents and accidents
There were hints and allegations

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me you can call me Al

A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the third world
Maybe it's his first time around
He doesn't speak the language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
Surrounded by the sound, the sound
Of cattle in the marketplace
Scatterlings and orphananages
He looks around, around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty when you call me you can call me Al

So, I am thinking that since I have been really into my music lately, a couple times this week I am going to post a picture along with the lyrics to the song it reminds me of. I can't figure out how to share an Mp3 file, but if I can I will include the song as well.

1 comments to blog for:

Florida Remodel Gal said...

Kodachrome is one of my favs. I got my Nikon Camera!