Sunday, June 21, 2009

Clearly Not A Morning Person

I wake up many mornings at 5:15 to do a workout on the Wii Fit.  It's a nifty bit of technology.  I especially like the Yoga and the Boxing.  
When you set up a Wii Fit you get the option of a male or female trainer.
I chose the male trainer and named him Paul.  
The woman is Nina and she has a serious attitude problem.
Paul is usually very nice and a good motivator.  However, it's still 5:15 am and I don't take shit from anyone that early.  
Here's a conversation overheard last week:

Paul: "Good morning! Are you ready to workout?"

Me: "Sure am Paul."

Paul:  "Good, let's start with the Tree Pose."

Me: "Let's."

Paul:  "You seem little shaky.  Maybe the Tree Pose isn't your forte."

Me: "Fuck you Paul."

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